It comes as no surprise that to lead a healthy lifestyle; eating a balanced breakfast is key and often overlooked due to time constraints or boring breakfast choices. Revitalize the breakfast routine by adding a dish that’s loaded with flavor and packed with veggie goodness. Hello to the Frittata. A cousin of the quiche, although…Continue Reading “Veggie Frittata”
If you’re from the South, chances are you grew up eating the traditional New Years fare promising all the blessings of luck, prosperity, and happiness in the coming year. Greens, as they are referred too, are an integral part of this meal and can be any variation of green leafy vegetable. One of my very…Continue Reading “Collard Greens”
Fall, to me, signals the time for all things roasted and comforting. I am not discerning in roasting choices either, and, most often, use seasonal root vegetables. Luckily, carrots are absolutely amazing roasted and also one of the most affordable choices in the produce aisle. Roasted carrots compliment the hearty dishes of fall quite perfectly…Continue Reading “Roasted Carrots”
Every winters table deserves a well-appointed soup tureen filled with steeping hot goodness. Soup tureens are some of the most underutilized serving pieces probably in your kitchen. And are most often left forgotten in the back of the cupboard. Customize your tureen with a bit of fall flair by replacing its lid with a pumpkin….Continue Reading “Pumpkin Tureen”
Fall to me is all about the comfort food; and nothing radiates comfort more than heavy cream, cheese, or bread. Oh, and bacon. I almost forgot bacon. So, when all of this heavenly goodness unites inside the rich, golden flesh of an heirloom pumpkin you have the ultimate fall indulgence. RECIPE: 2.5-3lb pumpkin or 4…Continue Reading “Stuffed Pumpkin”
Pickling vegetables is a delicious way to utilize all that extra produce from the garden or farmers market. With a long shelf life and the perfect crunch, pickled okra is a great compliment to meals and of course a good bloody mary. Fresh okra, gets packed into sterilized jars with green tomatoes, lemons, garlic, and…Continue Reading “Pickling Okra & Green Tomatoes”
For all of you gardeners out there, you know that one of the benefits of planting okra in the vegetable garden is the large amount produced during the growing months. And if you don’t have a garden, farmers markets and vegetable stands are brimming with the good stuff. Literally, there is okra everwhere. No complaints…Continue Reading “Roasted Okra”
Purple hull peas are a staple on every southern table. Most often slow cooked with a bit of meat fat, and served up with a huge slice of cornbread. Peas have so much more potential than a side dish and are a great component added to a dip or appetizer. The French are famous for…Continue Reading “Summer Succotash”
Behind on a remodel or DIY project? Lure your closest friends and family into helping you by hosting a DIY dinner party. They won’t even know they are being put to work. Gathering groups around a central theme project is a great way to break the ice and create a lighthearted, engaging atmosphere. Consider pairing…Continue Reading “DIY Dinner Party”
Corn is one of those foods that is delicious just about any way you fix it, and summer just ain’t summer without it. My favorite way to prepare corn is to slather heavily with herb butter and roast it either on the grill or in an oven. Hang on to those husks folks! Roasting corn…Continue Reading “Roasted Corn with Herb Butter”