Perhaps the most versatile and durable piece of kitchen equipment is a cast iron skillet. From frying okra to baking light, fluffy cakes a well-seasoned skillet can get the job done with ease. Cast iron’s ability to retain and distribute heat evenly has ensured its survival in kitchens throughout the world for well over a millennium. Initially used for evaporating salt during the Han dynasty, cast iron then made its appearance in Europe as large pots and cauldrons hung over an open flame. It was during the industrial revolution that the cast iron cookware we are familiar with today hit the market and rose to mass popularity in the first part of the 20th century. Today, still hugely in favor with cooks everywhere sometimes our cast iron cookware can get a little lackluster due to years of use or improper cleaning. The process of seasoning skillets is surprisingly easy. Use the following steps and techniques to bring new life to favorite cast iron pieces.
Cast Iron Cookware
Dish soap
Stiff brush
Paper towels or dry cloth
Vegetable oil or shortening
Aluminum foil
Baking pan
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1. Pre-heat oven to 350°
2. Begin by thoroughly washing the skillet with warm, soapy water and stiff brush. Remove any baked on foods or particles. Cast iron typically should not be washed with soap, but for the purpose of seasoning it’s just fine.
3. Rinse and dry the skillet.
4. Use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to apply a thin layer of oil or shortening to the inside or outside of the skillet. Any oil of your choice will do, but vegetable oil or shortening are the most common.
5. Line the baking pan with aluminum foil and place on the bottom rack of the oven.
6. Place the oiled skillet on the ovens center rack upside down.
7. Bake for one hour at 500°.
8. Turn off heat and allow the skillet to cool before removing.
TIP: A well seasoned skillet is non-stick and will appear smooth and shiny. Often, if a skillet appears dull, rusty, or food sticks its a sign to re season. Skillets can also be burned off over an open, hot flame and then scrubbed down with stiff brush.