There are at least a million ways to incorporate pumpkin into your fall recipe index, and nothing quite beats roasting them. Roasted heirloom pumpkins make an excellent salsa when combined with savory spices, bold cilantro, and a hint of lime.

2 cups roasted pumpkin
1/2 cup tomatillo salsa
1 T Sriracha sauce
1/2 t cumin
1 t chili powder
2 t granulated onion
1 t granulated garlic or 1/2 cup chopped onion
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1 T cilantro
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1. Roast a 2Ib pumpkin by removing the contents and cutting into 2 inch slices, leaving the skin on. Drizzle with 2 T olive oil and ample amounts of both salt and pepper. Place in a 425 degrees oven for 25-30 minutes, or until the flesh lightly browned and easily pierced with a fork.
2. Allow to cool and use a spoon to separate the pumpkin from the skin.
3. Place all ingredients into a food processor and pulse until all ingredients are chopped and well blended. Remove from processor and garnish with extra cilantro and pepper flakes upon serving.