Any self-respecting summer host or hostess knows a thing or two about making a good pitcher of refreshing ice tea. And more often than not, that tea probably has been spiked. Well, at least in my house. Refresh your guests this summer by stirring together an intoxicating mix of peaches, tea, mint, proseco and a little rum. The result is a Peach Tea Sangria just made for sippin on the porch.
2 cups frozen peaches
4 cups sweet tea
1/4 cup triple sec
1/2 cup rum or vodka
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1 bottle white wine or prosecco
2 handfuls mint leaves
1. In a large pitcher, combine all ingredients. Give it a good stir to throughly disperse all of the flavors. Place in the refrigerator and chill until ready to serve. Serve by garnishing with a peach slice and a sprig of mint.