The official heralding holiday synonymous with the first golden days of summer. Memorial Day is America’s holiday. Whether gathered by a body of water or celebrating with friends at home; assembling a stellar patriotic picnic that’s heavy on the traditional red, white, and blue is super easy. The real inspiration behind this party is the picnic baskets themselves. I’ve been collecting baskets for years, and picnic baskets are right at the top of my list. Baskets are perhaps one of the cheapest and fashionable ways to entertain in your backyard, on a boat, the beach, or practically anywhere. The lightweight design and the capacity to carry many items at once make them perfect for transporting food, drinks, serving ware, and utensils.
No picnic would be complete without a comfy quilt to form the foundation. Any type of quilted fabric will do, but if you have vintage quilts on hand, by all means, use them. Safeguard against any staining by layering the quilt over a cheap, clear shower curtain. I love to match patterns and textures. All shades of red, some stripes, checks, and heavy stitching are all welcome.
Arranging the baskets by stacking them is a great way to add height and also a neat way for serving. The different tiers are ideal for showcasing dishes and grabbing on the go is a breeze. Have multiple baskets on hand and pack each accordingly, splitting up such items as serving ware, linens, food, glassware, and entertainment. Learn how to pack a picnic basket here.
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For the food itself, simple household items like glass jars, small juice cartons, plastic wine glasses, and coffee filters are great for serving at a remote location and are disposable. A simple coat of paint or a vintage button in a contrasting color really add a personal spin. I tend to always use a combination of real dishes at any party, just as long as they are in the appropriate part of the color wheel, and a Memorial Day party would not be complete without red, white, and blue. I serve food in coffee filters to reduce mess and help with easy clean-up. Plus, they make great packing material layered in between each dish and ensure they do not break. Create custom napkins in a fun pattern from dishtowels. Fold around plastic silverware and tie with a bit of twine. Learn how to make your own napkins here.
Glass jars have long been a kitchen staple. Dishes like this Celebration Pasta Salad are just made to serve out of jars. I like to take cocktail napkins and tie over the lid. Not only is the silver lid concealed, but guests also have a built in napkin while eating.
As far as flowers are concerned, pack a small container and pick some growing on hand at the location of the picnic. This is an especially fun project for kids!
Don’t forget the entertainment! Bring along old stand-bys like croquet, baseball, or a board game to get everyone in the spirit. Pack up some fun this holiday weekend and head out on an adventure filled with good food, nature, and of course, friends and family.
I love this post!! It is so beautiful and easy to follow. And provides an idea for kid friendly activities! Just the perfect little picnic!