Bring a bit of Spring cheer indoors during the bleak winter months by forcing woody branches into flower. The act of forcing is a relatively easy task and is an especially good way to utilize branches that are cut in the pruning process. Forcing time varies depending on the type of branch and typically ranges from 2-5 weeks. Some great varieties to consider are Dogwood, Pussywillow, Forsythia, and Cherry.

5-7 branches
pruning shears or sharp knife
Vase or container
Lukewarm water
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1. To get started, identify the type of branch you will be utilizing. Choose branches that are at least 12 inches in length and are already budding.

2. Using pruning shears or a sharp knife; make a diagonal cut to remove the branch from the tree. Remove any small branches that will be submerged under the water.

3. Place the branch on a hard surface, and with a moderate amount of pressure hammer the end of the branch until it appears to be frayed. Fraying the branch allows for adequate water absorption and will prolong the budding process.

4. Fill a container with warm water just until the ends are submerged.
5. Transfer to an area of your home that is dimly lit and far from direct light until the buds begin to show signs of color; replacing the water every other day. A linen closet or pantry works perfectly.
6. Remove from the dark area and enjoy the blooms for the coming weeks. Typically it will take an average of 3 weeks for a full bloom to be reached, and can be enjoyed for up to a whole month!