A seasonal fresh flower arrangement is the perfect compliment to any home’s interior. Creating your very own custom arrangement may seem like a daunting task, but by following this simple three-step method; you will have camera ready arrangments on standby.
Fresh cut flowers and foliage
Garden sheers or sharp scissors
Twine or rubber band
Vase or container
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STEP 1: When designing the arrangement stick with an odd number of flower varieties. Groupings of three, five, and seven would most certainly be sufficient. The hydrangea arrangement shown contains three varieties of plants: hydrangea, magnolia, and some unknown foliage I came across at the edge of my lawn. I prefer to use two foliage plants to one flower, or vice-versa.
STEP 2: Collect flowers or foliage that’s in season and that would most likely be found growing together in nature. For example, a stem of mountain laurel would pair nicely with baptisia which can be found thriving in a shaded laurel grove. Harvest by cutting with sharp garden shears and be sure to cut stems much longer than needed. They will be trimmed and shaped up later.
STEP 3: Form a fist with your left hand and begin placing together the stems alternating with each different variety. The initial shape of your arrangement will take shape at this point. Work from the inside of the arrangement out. Trim the stems in uniform to the desired length. Secure the base of your flowers with a piece of twine or heavy duty rubber band. Place in your container with an ample amount of water.
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