With a definite chill in the air and the call of winter in the distance the woodland beings are clamoring to find a cozy spot to call home. So, skip the traditional jack-o-lantern face this year and carve up a fairy house instead!

Carving pumpkin
Decorative Squash
Pine Cone
Straight pins
Black Marker
Sharp Knife
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1. Line the work space with newspaper and lay out tools so they are in reach.
2. Make an initial cut into the top of the pumpkin and remove. Use the sturdy spoon to remove the contents of the pumpkin and discard them into the large bowl. Wipe the exterior clean.
3. Using the black marker, draw an outline for windows, doors, or any other structural elements. Be creative and draw fanciful windows or doors that are somewhat misshapen and whimsical. Carefully cut those out and place the excess into the bowl.
4. Create window frames with the toothpicks in any pattern you see fit. Cut the bark to scale and attach on each side of the window to serve as shutters. Bark also works nicely as a front door.
5. Cut the decorative squash into small sections just large enough to fit under each window for a decorative window box. Attach with a straight pin and fill with moss.
6. No fairy cottage would be complete without a little chimney. So, securely attach a pine cone atop the pumpkin with a straight pin.
7. Accessorize your pumpkin with additions such as mosses, branches, mini furniture, and more!