Custom napkin rings are one of the easiest ways to create a themed or seasonal table. With little more than a paper towel roll, you can craft up some serious style. Fabric remnants in bright, bold colors really capture that Spring vibe. A single yard of fabric with make well over a dozen rings and even have some to spare. Don’t be afraid to mix prints either. It’s half the fun!
MATERIALS: makes 8 rings
2 paper towel rolls
1 yard fabric of choice
Measuring tape
Fabric Glue
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1. Begin my measuring the paper towel roll into 2.5 inch sections; using the pencil to make notations. Each roll will produce 4 individual rings. Use the scissors to cut and remove each section from the roll.
2. Cut fabric into strips with that measure 6 inches in length and 5 inches in width. Measurements can be adjusted to fit the desired size. Fit the fabric to form around the ring by centering the fabric and then folding the edges in. Make any adjustments if necessary.
3. Remove fabric and place face down. Apply fabric glue with a paintbrush over the entire back of the fabric. Once again, carefully fit the fabric to form around the ring by centering the fabric and then folding the edges in. Apply a gentle amount of pressure to smooth any wrinkles. Allow to dry before using.