If you’re from the South, chances are you grew up eating the traditional New Years fare promising all the blessings of luck, prosperity, and happiness in the coming year. Greens, as they are referred too, are an integral part of this meal and can be any variation of green leafy vegetable. One of my very favorites is Collard Greens. Collards are an old southern dish and have long been a beloved side for their easy preparation, as well as, nutrition. So cook up a heaping pot and relish in the good fortune this 2017!

1 large bunch Collard Greens
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 quarts water
1 large onion, chopped
4 slices of thick cut bacon, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
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1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
Pinch of red pepper flakes

1. In a large pot, saute the chopped onion and bacon together in olive oil over medium-high heat for 3-5 minutes; stirring frequently. Add in garlic; cook until onions are translucent and garlic is fragrant. Remove from heat.
2. Wash the collards thoroughly. Remove the stems by holding the stem in the left hand. Grab the leafy flesh with the right hand and pull away from the stem; discard the stem. Cut or tear the collards; and place into the pot. Allow the collards to “wilt” slightly from the heat.
3. Slowly add 3 quarts water to the pot and all remaining seasonings. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 45 minutes, or until the greens are tender. Serve hot and with lots of cornbread.