Dating back to 1847, the Chicago Flower and Garden Show presents 24+ feature landscapes and garden vignettes, workshops, seminars and a booming marketplace. In addition, the event features a 150-seat Garden Gourmet culinary demonstration stage that never disappoints their garden-loving guests. I am so excited to be part of the show this year on Friday, March 16, at 11:30 am. I am partnering with Burpee Home Gardens. Did you know that Burpee was the first catalog in the world to offer yellow seed corn? Burpee also introduced a new cabbage variety called Surehead and an improved carrot called Long Orange. Burpee’s most recent innovations include the seedless tomato and the “Snackpack” watermelon- a personal-size healthful treat that will bring a smile to any face. At the show, I will be cooking 3 recipes using Shishito peppers inspired by their Dragon Roll Shishito Pepper. I trialed this wonderful pepper last year and had much success with it in my garden. Easy to grow and super versatile, the Dragon Roll features a great pepper taste without all that overpowering heat. From a wonderfully sweet and tanging Bacon and Shisito Chutney to Shisito Buttermilk Cornbread these recipes will sure to liven up your summer table. If you cant join me for the show, check out all the recipes below!
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nice, it seems tasty and hmmmmm