Grocery Store Bouquet: Carnations


Vibrant carnations are perhaps one of my very favorite flowers. Not to mention, they are extremely economical and readily accessible. I was drawn to these bouquets at my local Wal-Mart simply because the bright pink lured me in. Carnations look best in a single grouping. Just for good measure I also paired them with a bit of reindeer lichen. I love the contrast of pastels and the wispy texture. Carnations


5-7 carnations

Floral sheers

Reindeer Lichen
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1. Use the floral sheers to trim the stems to the desired length to fit into the container removing any leaves if necessary.

3. Form a fist and arrange carnations in a balanced and even manner. Place into the container. Tear or cut small bits of lichen and place into the arrangement as an accent. CarnationsCarnationsCarnationsCarnations

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