Add a harvest touch to your home with the use of corn stalk bundles straight from the corn field. Golden in color and just the right height for use on porches, mailboxes, or flanking an entryway cornstalks are possibly the ultimate backdrop for fall decor. With just one cut with a pair of garden shears and a simple knot of jute, they couldn’t be easier to make in a snap!

Corn Stalks
Garden Shears
Jute or twine
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1. Harvest the desired amount of corn stalks by cutting at the base with a pair of sharp garden shears. Each bundle should contain 5-15 stalks depending on the area you will be decorating.

2. Carefully remove the ears of dried corn from the stalks using the garden shears. Careful not to pull them with your hands which will result in stalk breakage.

3. Cut jute to a length of around 2 ft or enough to wrap around the bundle twice. Wrap the jute tightly around the entire bundle and secure with a knot. Wrap the jute around the bundle once again and repeat.
4. Trim stalks to reach the desired height and enjoy.